Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4),是一項針對學生認知能力的標準化測驗,在英國被廣泛使用,主要用於評估7至17歲學生的學習潛力和思維能力,測驗的難度會根據學生的年級做相應的調整。
CAT4 能幫助學校了解學生的長處和需加強的弱點,並提供因材施教的寶貴資訊。
言語推理 (Verbal Reasoning):
- 詞彙關係 (Verbal Classification):測試學生理解詞彙之間關係的能力,學生需要找出具有相同關係的詞組或詞語。
The correct answer is cloud. All words describe things that are usually coloured only in a white colour. Zebra and panda are incorrect because they are coloured in black and white. Apple and lion are incorrect because they do not have a white colour. - 類比推理 (Verbal Analogies):要求學生從一組詞彙中,找出與其他詞彙在邏輯上相似的項目。
The correct answer is foal. A puppy is a baby dog, just like a foal is a baby horse. Pony is incorrect because it refers to a type of horse that is small, but not a baby horse. Stallion is incorrect because it is an adult male, ungelded horse. Cat is incorrect because it is a different animal than a horse. Hoof is incorrect because it is a body part of a horse.
數學推理 (Quantitative Reasoning):
- 數字系列 (Number Series):測試學生理解數字模式和系列的能力,學生需要找出或預測下一個數字。
The correct answer is 3. In this series, the pattern is as follows: first, 2 is added, then 4 is subtracted; then 2 is added again, then 4 is subtracted, and so on. The pattern is: +2, -4, +2, -4, … The last two numbers in this series are 5 and 7. 7 is larger than 5 by 2, so the next number in the series should be smaller than 7 by 4. 7–4 = 3 Therefore, 3 is the correct answer. - 數字類比 (Number Analogies):類似於詞彙類比,要求學生從給定的數字中找出具有相同關係的數字。
The correct answer is 26. The simple possible connection between the numbers in the first pair (15 → 50) is: 15 + 35 = 50. However, the second pair (10 → 35) does not share that same connection, as: 10 + 35 ≠ 35 (notice that the difference is 25: 10 + 25 = 35) Therefore, there must be a more complex connection. Since 50 is not divisible by 15, a possible connection would be one made from multiplication and addition/subtraction. Some of the possibilities are: 15 × 2 + 20 = 50 / 15 × 3 + 5 = 50 / 15 × 4 – 10 = 50. More connections can be written; however, you should try the simple ones first. Checking those connections on the second pair yields: 10 × 2 + 20 = 40 ≠ 35 / 10 × 3 + 5 = 35 / 10 × 4 – 10 = 30 ≠ 35. The connection which applies for both pairs is the second one, which is: X × 3 + 5, where X is the number on the left side of the pair. Therefore, the correct answer is 7 × 3 + 5 = 26.
非言語推理 (Non-verbal Reasoning):
- 形狀系列 (Figure Classification):要求學生辨識形狀或圖案之間的關係,並選出符合關係的形狀。
The correct answer is 3. All pictures consist of two identical figures mirroring one another horizontally. The only choice that follows that pattern is 3. Answer 1 contains two identical figures with the same orientation (no mirroring). In answer 2, the figures do not mirror one another – just an upside-down copy of one another. In answer 4, the figures are different in size. In answer 5, the figures touch each other and share a side – in contrast to all three pictures in the question. - 圖案完成 (Figure Matrices):學生需要觀察圖案中的空白處,並選擇合適的形狀來填補。
The correct answer is 5. In this question, in the top row, from left to right, the figure rotates 90° counterclockwise and changes from white to black. Therefore, for the second row, the figure on the left should rotate 90° counterclockwise and change from black to white. Hence, the 5th choice is the correct answer.
空間推理 (Spatial Ability):
- 形狀旋轉 (Figure Analysis ):學生必須將一個形狀在腦中進行旋轉,並找出與之匹配的圖案。
The correct answer is 2.- The paper has one hole punched and is folded 3 times.
- If we open the first crease which covers one hole it would result in the next picture having 2 holes.
- If we open the second crease which covers 2 holes it would result in the next picture having 4 holes.
- If we open the third crease which covers 4 holes it would result in the final picture having 8 holes.
Answers 3 and 5 are incorrect because they do not have 8 holes. Answer 4 is incorrect because the hole placement is wrong.
- 形狀識別 (Figure Recognition):測試學生理解辨識能力,要求學生根據單一平面圖形找到對照形狀。
The correct answer is 4.
標準分數 (Standard Age Score, SAS):
CAT4 的核心計分方式是標準分數 (SAS),這是將原始分數轉換為標準分數後,依據學生的年齡進行調整。SAS 提供了一個相對於同齡人的比較基準,能夠更準確地反映學生的相對能力。
查看成績主要以SAS 為主,滿分是145,英國平均分數(SAS)爲100分。
- 得分小於74分屬於認知能力低
- 得分區間為89-111分是普通平均水準
- 得分高於127分以上,屬於很高的認知能力
百分位排名 (National Percentile Rank, NPR):
百分位排名顯示了學生在同齡組中的相對位置。例如,若學生的百分位排名為 75,這意味著他們的分數高於 75% 的同齡人。這種計分方式讓學校能夠迅速了解學生的相對表現。
標準九分 (Stanines, ST):
CAT4 的另一個常用分數是標準九分 (Stanines),將學生的分數分為九個範圍,從 1 (最低) 到 9 (最高),其中 5 是中位數。這是一個簡單的分數範疇,用於將學生分成不同的能力組別。以下為對照圖:
四、Q & A
Q: 考試前要刷題嗎?
A: CAT4 測驗的目的不在於測試已學習的知識,而是需要盡可能不受外部因素的影響,例如練習。所以Valour 強烈建議不要在 CAT4 測驗前進行任何形式的練習,因為這樣會影響測驗分數的可靠性。
Q: CAT4 測驗會影響學校錄取嗎?
A: 一些學校可能會參考 CAT4 測驗結果來了解學生的學習能力,但它通常不會單獨決定錄取結果。